O.K, maybe this will sound totally silly to you... but you can't imagine how glad I was to find this earring I lost some weeks ago (the top one)... You might think it's just an earring... and yes, it's true... but you don't know the meaning it has for me (as everything else I wear), and all the story behind it... so let me share with you if you're interested :-)...
So this goes all the way back to India, 10 years ago ( wow, it's been long)... I went there alone, with a sleeping back and an empty book which was my only company and a way to express all the thoughts and impressions I was experiencing... on that time I was starting to know God as a Higher presence that was guiding me and protecting me... I didn't know God personally yet, but that presence was so real and intimate...I would speak with it, I would follow signs like eagles in the sky (who would show me where to camp), feathers which would lead me the way, etc... O.k, you can call me nuts, but still I believe God speaks so much through this things...
So at a certain time I lost an earring my cousin had given me...it was a sun... so I thought, "well, if I have to replace it, another one will come my way" (I never buy stuff I wear, whether they are gifts, or they "come my way")... I don't know if on the same day or few days after that thought, I was going to a new place and I was waiting for a sign or direction to show me the place I would camp... it was a beach with nice cliffs and jungles... I went for a walk, and the eagles came...my favourite sign...there were 2 in the beginning, then 3 more came along... it was a family, 2 big ones that I presumed would be the parents, and 3 kids... I was amazed with their flight, I ducked down and simply contemplated the beauty of it... suddenly, something deeper touched my heart... I was bursting into tears, and I was feeling some sort of healing happening deep in my soul... I have no idea how long this lasted... it could have been minutes, but it felt like hours... I knew I had to make that cliff my new home for that time... the eagles went away, I was filled with thankfulness to this Higher Presence that became closer than ever before... When I stood up, I turned, and laying on the rocks, right in front of me, this earring was shining to me as saying "it's for you" ... :-)... I thanked again to The Presence... I was in awe...
One year later, now in Angola, I was presented to this person, Jesus, who claimed to be God, the All present, All Knowing, etc... I was in a community where many people were following this Jesus and saying with full confidence that they knew Him personally cuz He was still alive today... Hummm...I had my struggles with that "christian stuff" and any kind of religion, but these people were really honest and I could see it was not only coming out of their mouths, but it was real in their lives...
So I was given this book to read, a Bible, which mentioned about God and Jesus, and many other things I didn't really related with (besides Eclesiastes book which related a lot with many of my thoughts about the world around )... I was alone in my room, with this book in my hands, filled with questions and doubts in my mind... And I asked the question that probably many people ask one day "O.k God, if you are this one that this book is speaking about, show me"... then I felt a voice deep inside of me saying: "remember this?! ", and it led me to remember this story with the eagles and the earring I just described you... "yes" I said, and the same voice replied : "It was me" ... "remember this?!", another crazy story with a dog...yes, a dog...and in the end the same words : "It was me" ... I was amazed... in awe... in ecstasy... it finally made sense... I finally connected that Presence with the same God of that book, and Jesus and all ...
After that I always say with full confidence that this earring was a present from God (specially to those Christians who have problems with piercings , eh, eh)... It became a symbol of my covenant with Him actually... so now you can understand better why I was so sad...and why I am so happy now that I found it again...
I was not eagerly trying to find it... I gave it back to God and said : "If you want me to have it again, bring it my way"...
and so it happen... I was building the new bath place together with Andrea, a visit from Switzerland... the old place had been partly destroyed and we were closing the sides to pour the cement in... Andrea needed some help and I went there... and what a surprise to find my earring, in the midst of the dirt... it would be like finding a needle in a straw pile...a miracle...a sign...
I'm really happy !!!
When I was alone I went to put it and thought it was going to be hard...rings are often harder, with no mirror and no one to help... but it was like God was helping me :-)... it just went in straight away...
I felt like my covenant with God is renewed... The last year was full of trials and struggles, but now I'm at peace again...
I was just reading now the parable of the lost coin, and how happy that woman was to find her lost coin... she told everyone and made a party ... and Jesus compared that to the party that is going on in Heaven with every lost person who is found...
I was also lost, back there in India... I rejoice today that I 'm found by God... many may rejoice as well for me, but I guess only God knows how precious and significant I am... How precious and significant each one human being is... God knows every single one of us as no one else does... God created us... God watched us being formed in our mom's womb...God watched us grow... God watched us getting lost and confused...God watched us making a lot of crap out of our lives... But God was always around, sending us signs, giving us directions, protecting us, guiding us to Know Him, loving us... till we were finally found... I can't imagine God's Joy, but I bet He makes the best parties ever :-)...
O.K, enough of divagating...
oh baba, i'm so glad you found it. that's such a nice story. and i agree, God must make the best parties ever.
Ich verstehe euch nicht aber Sieglinde hat mir die Geschichte erzählt und ich fand sie sehr schön.
pretty nice story!
our god is unbelievable lovely and carefull!
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