29 November 2009

oLiVe HaRvEsT iS fiNaLLy dOnE...

Finally we finished the olive Harvest this year...we took 910 Kg to the press, which gave us 120L of Olive oil...Praise God !!! And a big thanks to the Jones' family, Marcia, Marinho, Maureen, Isaac, Alana, Sieglinde and Sebastian, who helped in the process in different stages...
You can check here for more interesting videos about all the process (I'm still uploading more)...and I have a suggestion to all of you who would like to support the Mount of Oaks...

As you know, or not, this place lives mainly from donations of many different people and also from the participation of those who pass by...
But we do need lots of investment in this pioneering stage, to fix the roof of our kitchen, the bath and shower house, to build our houses, guest houses, a common meeting place, installing the irrigation system and a tank, and of course, lots of plants and trees...and obviously the daily expenses we already have...
So I came up with an idea...
we could sell part of our olive oil for those who would like to support us...
I was thinking it would be fare to price 10E for each liter, plus the transportation...
As you know, all the process counted with lots of hand work, and it took more than 4 weeks to pick all the olives...besides the fact that is 100% organic...

Also, if you have any ideas on how to transport it to your country (if you know someone is driving down here for instance), and you'd like to make the distribution there, it would help on the cost as well...

People can always give more than 10E, but that's up to each one...

We'll also have lots of conserved olives to eat...but those will only be ready around April or May...

Anyway, I leave the suggestion... Get in touch if it interest you...

15 November 2009

oLiVeS, oLivEs & mOrE oLivEs...

yep, it's not over yet...hopefully next week I'll be done with it and take them to the press to make olive oil... it is a long and hard process... but so pleasant... I love it...
At the moment it's only me, Sieglinde and Sebastian...Sebastian is a french guy who was here last year with other rainbow people... he's looking for a piece of land around here to set up a yurt or something like that and go travel...he's a nice guy...
Sieglinde was here already 3 or 4 times...she loves Portugal...she loves the sun and speaking portuguese (as she's brazilian but lives in Germany for many years)...She has been a great help as I don't need to worry about cooking and cleaning :-)... she also loves plants and all nature and has a lot to teach...a proper mom :-)... or as Elena would say, "we are "las abuelitas" (grannies)"...Sieglinde has now a caravan here which Uli and Stephy brought in August...she's delighted to have her own space and not stay in a tent anymore...it's nice :-) I know how important that is...I'm also glad I'm in the big bus now till I build my own house...

Elena was also a great person to meet, she was here for a couple of weeks and left few days ago...such a lovely and gentle spirit...she is from Russia and it's a lovely granny too :-)...her daughter, son in law and granddaughter live in Andorra...I met Elena in Taize, 4 years ago...she just came to me in the camp area and we exchanged e.mails... it's funny how God connects people...I asked her why she came to me and she just said she liked the way I look (go figure)... recently she got in touch and asked if she could visit... I had no idea what she was expecting...but as the days went by she was sharing how this kind of place is exactly what she has been looking for for so long...who would have thought 4 years ago what this connection would mean...?
She wants to come back to live here, but we need a miracle for her to get a Visa that will allow her to stay more than 6 months...remember that in your prayers...
But there was much more help to pick the olives during these last weeks...
The Jones family who are now at my sister's in Algarve, also came again (second time this year), after their tour through north europe ... They stayed a bit more than a week and that was great for the first "round" of the harvest when we picked lots of olives to eat later next year...you can see their impression here ...

Marcia, Marinho, Maureen, Alana and Isaac also came one weekend and it was great fun...we even celebrated my 35th birthday with cake and all :-)...Maureen brought a zukini cake (veeeery tasty) which was wonderful, and the Winters also joined in... It was a lovely day...with lots of people I really love !!!

Ok., now, some pictures with subtitles just to share... I've been rubbish with pictures to be honest...actually, even to blog...I still wanna post about Uli and Juran's wedding...but it's just more exciting to be outside working than typing in a computer...sorry about that :-)...

the Jones up on the trees...

T.J. among the Olives...

Some olives were really hard to get...well, also an excuse to have fun...Donald giving a try with the "trampolin" :-)

The Mushrooms just came out few days ago... I made sure they were the eatable ones...I didn't want to see pink elephants :-)

Oh yes, they were delicious...me and Sieglinde delighted ourselves :-)

Delight with this sound (sorry about the poor quality)
O.K, gotta go to the "Magusto" in Povoa de Atalaia... this is a party of Chestnuts and "gerupiga", a nice sweet wine made with moonshine, the new wine and some sugar...(i guess)
Hope to write soon again...

P.S.- Just a little honesty from my part...I just wanted to share that we still need some more donations for the expenses on the land...I've been tight for the last months...we got one donation for building material so far which I'm so thankful for, but I keep having the normal expenses with dog food, internet, the car (which we still haven't paid totally and I had some extra expenses recently-400E... cuz when I was away in Germany someone stole my neighbour's wallet where he kept our van's key to started every once in a while...bummer), food and other little things for the land (I also need to pay the tax for the land soon and I just got some mail from the city Hall in Lisbon of a ridiculous amount of money to pay for a license we- White Stone-didn't even use...this was still when "Rivertribe" came to play in Lisbon and we asked for noise license but we didn't use...please pray that I can solve this in peace...the bill is of 1600E...simply ridiculous)...
As you know (or maybe not), I don't have any sort of income (for the last 12 years actualy :-)...) as I'm giving all my time to work in the land (the last 3 years)... so, I just wanted to remind you of this, and maybe some could send some help :-)...
I'm thinking about ways for the land to fund itself, like giving workshops on permaculture and natural buildings and buy building material with the money...it would not be much cuz I don't wanna charge a lot as this things are usually super expensive, but it can be enough help... the thing is that we need some more conditions to host this workshops...simple things like compost toilets and showers would make a big difference... but again, it needs some investment for that to happen...
Thanks a lot anyway for supporting in whatever way... I'm really thankful for all I have, but to be honest, I would like to have some extra money to do some more needed things around here, and not counting the "coins" all the time I see something we need to buy... If it would be only for me, I wouldn't need anything at all really...I probably don't even spend 50E a month on myself, but I would really like to see this place better than it is today...
I hope you understand my relief in sharing this with you...thanks!!!
And I'm not complaining, but simply sharing a need... sometimes we don't receive because we don't ask... well, at least, I've asked :-)...


10 October 2009

oLiVe hArVeSt...

just a quick note to remind you that the olive harvest is soon and I'd be really grateful with some extra hands...
I'll start NEXT WEEK picking olives for conserves cuz they look pretty good already...there are loads this year...the big harvest will be between the 19th TILL 26th OCTOBER...
Let me know if you're willing to come... and share with friends!!!

07 October 2009

bRiEf nOtE...

just to say I'm back from my travelings and have lots to share... but now just a quick note as I don't have my pictures here...
I got a new computer...as I said, Muxima broke the screen from my iBook...but a friend in Germany gave me hers with a broken hardrive...another friend from Emma in Ireland did the job to replace the hardrive from mine (12"one) into the new one (14"one)...now, it's going to be easier to use it :-)...
And I also got another battery, from another friend with a broken 14" iBook...
So, recycling is the best :-)...
Tip for the day:
RECYCLE...REUSE...REDUCE (consumption)...

I had some things to sort out as I came back...

first: my neighbour got his purse stolen...and our car keys were in it...Bummer...the mechanic came here yesterday and managed to open and get it to work, but now he has to order a new key set, engine starter (or whatever the name is in english)

second, but most important for me: Muxima was gone :-(... I had 2 suspicions: either someone took her, or she's in her heat... The second option was confirmed Wednesday morning :-/... I had a feeling I was hearing her bark, so I went out to find her... as I was whistling in the woods there she was, she came running...but with her were also 2 male dogs :-/... I'm hoping she didn't mate cuz I wanted to wait for the second heat for her to have puppies... anyway...now I have to go around with her on a rope for 3 weeks :-(...Hmmm... At least Tom Sawyer and Huck are protecting the area from other males... of course they might try to jump on her too, but so far they seem ok, they steped back as soon as I said "no", and they never tried it again... at least I don't need to handle them...that would be hard...

Anyway, now I feel at home... I was a bit sad when I didn't see Muxima around...
anyway...soon I'll post about my time in Germany and Belfast... lots of pictures from Juran and Ulli's wedding :-) it was simply great !!!
I haven't got the energy to do that yet..and today I'm gonna go vote for our village hall...

15 September 2009

i'LL b aWaY 4 tHrEe wEeks...

yep, I'm at airport now in porto...
I'll be away for 3 weeks...First in Ireland for the wedding of Uli and Juran (in Gorlitz-Germany, close to Poland)...It's gonna be great...a family meeting...most of my closest friends will be there...3 day party ...Yehhhhhh...
After that I might be in Hernhut with the closest friends...to remember old days :-)...
Then maybe Berlin to visit other friends...Then Ireland to be with Emma and other friends...
So, fiuuu, lots of traveling... preparing for winter season :-)...
The land is been taken care by a neighbour, Antonio... I miss the animals and the plants already :-( ...
O.K, just to let you know where I'm about these next weeks...I might write when I have the chance..
Gotta go now...plain arrived....

10 September 2009

em português prós portugueses...

esta é a primeira vez que escrevo no blog em português... pela simples razão, é para portugueses, principalmente para os que dizem ser cristãos... tudo começa aqui no blog do Junior (Faro)...cliquem no aqui para lerem e ficarem a par desta conversa interessante...
Pois é, a conversa já vai longa, mas parece que ainda não tá tudo dito... Quero frisar que não se trata de quem tem razão, quem está certo ou quem está errado... será talvez um confronto (não negativo) entre perspectivas diferentes... é simplesmente uma conversa de irmãos e irmãs sobre algo que por vezes fica nas entrelinhas...ou se quiserem, no dito pelo não dito... por isso, vamos dizer o que pensamos...em Amor, honestidade e liberdade...

Depois do meu comentário, também o meu ganda mano Ben comentou...e concordo plenamente com as palavras dele...Ganda Ben !!! Aqui vai o meu abraço :-)

Li também outros comentários e então foi isto que respondi :

Primeiro, não percebi ainda qual é o problema com padres ou a "Igreja" católica (sei que esse é um problema no meio “evangélico”)…neste momento congrego numa paróquia da aldeia mais próxima de onde vivo…quer lhe chamem católica ou outra coisa qualquer, mas é esta a expressão da Igreja aqui mais próxima…comecei a ir porque Deus me falou para ir, e agora acho que é uma boa maneira de me envolver na comunidade em que me insiro, para além de ouvir boas palavras e orações... dei-me muito bem com o padre que cá estava, mas agora mudou-se...para mim um homem cheio de Deus e com palavras e acções de me fazem ver a Cristo...confesso que no início tinha as minhas barreiras (com toda a bagagem que carregava na mente em relação à Igreja católica), não vejo grande diferença digo já, entre a “missa” católica e um culto “evangélico”… A menos que o que estiver em causa seja o tipo de louvor e a ordem da liturgia (é esse o termo né?) ... Quanto a “esta tem mais a ver com o meu estilo do que aquela”, então eu tava tramada, pois nunca encontrei uma “Igreja” com o meu estilo (ponho Igreja entre aspas pois estou a usar o termo como geralmente é usado...pois isso daria para mais outra loooonga conversa)
Não julguem irmã(o)s, para que não sejam julgados… pois a mesma medida que usarem...vocês sabem o resto...
Também não tou aqui a escrever para julgar ninguém... acho que muita gente pensa como pensa, ou acredita no que acredita porque assim lhe foi ensinado...por isso, se isto servir de alguma coisa, que sirva para nos questionar (coisa que poucos estão habituados)
Para deixar claro, os "católicos" também professam que Jesus é o seu Senhor…e quem somos nós para julgar o coração de outrem ? (eu própria já aprendi essa lição quando entrei numa "Igreja católica" com a intenção de julgar)...Sei quais são as faltas apontadas à "Igreja Católica", mas e os "Evangélicos", serão perfeitos? Haverá “Igreja” perfeita na terra? Pergunto eu? Creio que não irmãos... Se falamos de "Igrejas" como instituições, denominações ou religiões, então não há uma que não seja meramente humana... podemos apontar erros e falhas em cada uma...quer no presente, quer no passado...Mas vamos ter cuidado ao julgar aqueles que pertencem a essas organizalções humanas... seria o mesmo que dizer que o SLBenfica é melhor que o FCPorto...ou que os portistas são melhores que os benfiquistas... Não terão as "Igrejas" se tornado meros "clubes" a que as pessoas pertencem, a quem se identificam, onde se sentem bem, onde sentem que pertencem, onde recebem algo de bom?!! É uma questão...
Se fossemos um pouco menos orgulhosos e persunçosos (naõ sei se é assim que se escreve), se calhar poderiamos complementar-nos nas falhas de cada um e aprendermos com os dons e qualidades de uns e doutros (como individuos e como grupos)...Não estou a condenar uma ou outra expressão de "Igreja", pelo contrário, acho que devemos cada vez mais respeitar e apreciar as diferenças de cada um...
Já agora, se repararem bem no que o Júnior escreveu , e por isso não concordo com alguns dos comentários, não vejo própriamente aquele senhor de meia idade a compartilhar a boa nova de Jesus, mas apenas perguntou àquela jovem se ela já foi a uma "Igreja evangélica"… infelizmente é isso que é ensinado em muitas Igrejas, a levar as pessoas a congregar nesta ou naquela (de preferência a nossa, para ter mais membros e poder dizer a outros o quanto o nosso ministerrio é um sucesso)… quanto a ministérios de evangelismo, o alvo final é sempre "encaminhar as pessoas que aceitam Jesus a congregar numa "Igreja local" (desculpem aqueles que não estão a perceber nada destas palavras, mas é assim que se fala entre "crentes")...
não quero também julgar esse senhor, provavelmente disse o que disse com a melhor das intenções, se calhar foi tudo o que lhe tem ensinado que deve fazer como um “bom cristão evangélico”…(um pouco como as testemunhas de Jeová o fazem)… provavelmente, e infelismente também lhe deve ter sido ensinado que a "Igreja católica" não tem Jesus como seu Senhor ("é povo a alcançar"), e que por isso não é realmente "Igreja" como a Evangélica (o mesmo pensam alguns "católicos" e por aí adiante...estão a ver que rico exemplo damos a quem não tá a perceber nada desta conversa?)…
Irmã(o)s, temos que parar com este tipo de julgamentos… Jesus orou para que fossemos um, nas poucas orações que foram registradas nos Evangelhos…e o que nós fazemos? Andamos à batatada uns com os outros, “porque a minha Igreja é melhor do que as outras”, “porque nós é que temos a Verdade”… ou até boas razões como “ porque nós temos mais ministérios de misericórdia”, “porque nós oramos mais” (bem, disso poucos se devem gloriar tendo em conta a participação em reuniões de oração...sim, pois infelismente a vida de oração foi reduzida, para muitos,a breves e pequenas reuniões ), “porque nós fazemos mais missões”, etc..etc..Cuidado irmã(o)s com as nossas palavras, pois seremos julgados na mesma medida que julgarmos os outros…
Eu mesma já “evangelizei” nas ruas de várias formas... E sabem o que sempre pesou no meu coração? Para onde irei dirigir essas pessoas? (Nunca me convenceu indicar "Igrejas locais" que desconheço, ainda que por vezes tinha que o fazer pois estava a serviço de uma dessas "Igrejas locais")... Até Deus me fez esta pergunta um dia, quando orava por amigos meus :“e agora,e se todos esses aceitassem seguir-me, para onde os levavas ?”...foi ai (há mais de 10 anos atrás), que comecei a olhar para a "Igreja"... Não conseguia imaginar nenhum dos meus amigos a ir a nenhuma das "Igrejas" que conhecia :-(...
Atenção, antes de continuar quero deixar algo claro :
conheço muito boa gente que faz parte dessas "Igrejas" e muitas tenho a certeza que os meus amigos até iriam gostar de as conhecer... há muita gente com belíssimos corações... Não quero de modo algum ofender pessoas... estou mais a falar da "Igreja" como organização, ou de ideias que essas organizações defendem... de modo algum falo de pessoas...que isso esteja claro desde já...
O que mais me entristecia quando falava de Jesus nas ruas a desconhecidos era quando eles me perguntavam a que "Igreja" ía, ou se sabia de alguma "Igreja" por ali...e na verdade, eu não conseguia indicar uma que eu soubesse que essa pessoa seria bem recebida e acompanhada... (Nunca fui “membra” de nenhuma "Igreja" pois servi na Jocum por 5 anos, até que me juntei a um grupo de amigos para SER Igreja (ou tentar SER a parte que me cabe)...Naõ quero ser eu a persunçosa agora, nem a julgar, mas a verdade é que cheguei a levar algumas dessas pessoas a "Igrejas", e arrependi-me... Essas pessoas eram geralmente “diferentes”, em geral pobres, aparentemente “mal vestidos”, alguns com os seus vícios... Um “bom crente” até me disse directamente “se ao menos eles tomassem banho!”, ao que fiquei sem palavras de tão chocada... E quando essas pessoas entravam numa Igreja (não quero dizer todas, mas a minha experiência), eram olhadas de cima a baixo...a mensagem e todas as expressões não faziam sentido para aquela pessoa...até eu me sentia mal por essas pessoas...até envergonhada da minha família (a Igreja)... Já para nem falar das vezes que eu entrei em “Igrejas” em que me tentaram evangelizar, pois para certos “crentes” , eu não tenho a aparência do que é ser cristã...(e na altura nem tinha tatuagens nem todos os piercings que tenho hoje, mas era simplesmente diferente do “normal)... até já me aconteceu uma vez ser chamada a atenção (não a mim, mas à liderança da Jocum) sobre a maneira como me vesti quando fui traduzir um grupo da Holanda a uma Igreja... a verdade é que não tinha outra roupa, pois interrompi o meu "inter-rail" para ficar um mês na Jocum a traduzir este grupo... Isto é triste !!! Quando será que um mendigo da rua terá lugar para falar em algum púlpito ?! É uma questão... ou será que quando somos cristãos não podemos ser pobres ?! Já nem falo de estilo de roupa...
Tudo isto me entristece... Tudo isto ainda é uma realidade em muitas “Igrejas”...
Creio cada vez mais que nós não somos chamados a levar pessoas à “Igreja”,(como o Ben bem disse, as pessoas não são alvos a abater... isso é uma imagem horrivel, mas às vezes é o que parece) mas a discipular, através da oração, do nosso apoio constante, do nosso exemplo de vida (nas falhas e proezas...não temos que ser uns santinhos, mas acima de tudo honestos e transparentes), e a fazer com que outros sejam também parte desta família que é a Igreja...
Nos últimos tempos até já podemos ver alguns índices de mudança e esperança dentro da “Igreja Evangélica”, à medida que várias denominações começam a quebrar as divisões ridiculas que existem entre uns e outros… Mas isso não é suficiente… enquanto não abraçarmos (e creio que muito perdão terá de ser ministrado de ambas as partes) os nossos irmãos e irmãs "católicos" (principalmente em Portugal pois noutros países já não se nota tanto essa separação), "protestantes" e outras variantes que por aí há no mundo inteiro… e se nos rejeitam, a nossa parte é simplesmente amar e fazer tudo para chegarmos perto... Separarmo-nos e criarmos o nosso próprio mundinho não seria a solução de Jesus...
“Sejam um, como eu e o Pai somos um”, “Amem-se uns aos outros para que o mundo saiba que são de facto meus seguidores”… São estas as palavras de Jesus…
E ao escrever tudo isto, quero salientar que escrevo em Amor…pois amo a Igreja, o Corpo de Cristo, e entristece-me bastante muitas coisas que vejo e ouço… Naõ suporto fundamentalismos, sejam "evangélicos", "católicos" ou outra qualquer religião... Pois como também se aprende (nesses 4 passos para a salvação), a religião não salva ninguém... E todos no fundo estamos numa caminhada... Sejamos cristãos, judeus, muçulmanos, ateus, budistas, etc...todo o ser humano está a ser chamado pelo Grande Deus Vivo, para quem nada é impossível, quem morreu por TODOS... Quando TODOS O desprezávamos...
Não me considero perfeita, nem pouco mais ou menos…mas ao reconhecer as minhas imperfeições, as minhas falhas e fraquezas, a minha pequenez, Deus tem me ensinado a não julgar os outros, tenho aprendido mais um pouco sobre o que realmente significa viver na graça de Deus e oferecer essa mesma graça a todos os outros… principalmente quando me vejo confrontada com as minhas próprias falhas (o que para muitos "evangélicos" não pode ser, pois nós devemos ser santos, imaculados...)... achei engraçado no outro dia, a minha irmã falou-me acho que de um livro...onde dizia há porta de uma "Igreja" : "proibida a entrada de pessoas perfeitas"...eh, eh, eh...diz tudo... o mal de nos acharmos perfeitos é que "os outros", que não são como nós são "os imperfeitos", os que estão errados, etc...

Mas voltando ao blog, que já me extendi demais... se ouvirmos as palavras de Jesus, não me recordo de nenhuma situação em que ele tenha dito “já foste à minha Igreja?”, nem mesmo “’Já me aceitaste como Senhor e Salvador da tua vida?”… Jesus é quem nos escolhe, não nós a ele…Jesus é quem chama a cada um de nós, os que reconhecemos (por obra e graça do Espírito Santo que nos concede a fé… um dom de Deus, para que ninguém se glorie) que Jesus Cristo é o Messias , o filho do Deus Vivo… Jesus é quem nos envia a FAZER DISCÍPULOS, como o Ben bem disse, a fazer amigos, não apenas a desbobinar o Evangelho em quatro passos e perguntar à pessoa se quer aceitar Jesus, e depois claro, convencê-la a ir a uma "Igreja local"… e se não aceitar azar o dela, deve ter o “coração duro”...Não somos nós chamados a amolecer corações? Fazer discípulos implica para mim darmos a nossa vida por aqueles que O Senhor está a chamar… a AMAR... nem que eles nunca venham a reconhecer claramente que Jesus é o seu Senhor (sim, pois "claramente" só Deus é que sabe mesmo, ainda que muitos fácilmente dizem "aquele é crente", ou "aquele não é")…
Não foi isso que Jesus fez? Deu a sua vida por aqueles que o odiavam, por aqueles que o mataram, por aqueles que o trairam, pelos doentes, pelos pecadores, pelos desprezados e oprimidos, pelos que sofrem injustiças, pelos homossexuais, pelos toxicodependentes, pelos politicos, pelos jovens, velhos e crianças…enfim, pelos pobres (de espírito)… Dar a vida é bem diferente do que dar um folheto e ir embora...
Não li em nenhuma parte na Biblia que Jesus tenha dado a sua vida pelos que iriam (num futuro longínquo) à "Igreja Evangélica", ou qualquer outra…
E “ir à Igreja” não quer dizer que a pessoa é perfeita ou santa...seja qual “Igreja” for... Mesmo sermos seguidores de Jesus, não quer dizer que nunca falhemos mais... Vamos sempre falhar...até o próprio Pedro negou a Jesus depois de ter vivido com Ele por uns anos e saber que Ele é o filho do Deus Vivo...mesmo depois da ressurreição, Pedro falhou quando não queria aceitar os gentios como parte da Igreja...como Paulo disse, por mais que conheçamos e amemos ao Senhor, vamos sempre ter um “espinho na carne” para nos esbofetear, para nos lembrar, que a graça de Deus é suficiente, e TODOS PRECISAMOS CONSTANTEMENTE DESSA GRAÇA... Para que ninguém se glorie de si mesmo, para que ninguém se atreva a dizer que “eu é que sou um bom cristão”...
Por isso sim, interessa o conteúdo da conversa entre aquele senhor e aquela jovem que provavelmente não percebeu nada do que se passou ali … Entre pregar mal o Evangelho e não pregar, mais vale não pregar… Quando Paulo exorta a Timóteo (eu acho , naõ tenho uma Biblia aqui) para pregar o Evangelho em tempo e fora de tempo, não creio que estivesse a dizer para não deixar de convidar as pessoas para ir à Igreja…ou que apresentasse o plano de salvação em 4 simples passos…mas para viver o Evangelho a todo o tempo...”e quando necessário, usar palavras”... para instruir, repreender, etc (eu creio que aqui estava a falar de cristãos)
enfim, acho que já disse o suficiente sobre tudo isto… e muito mais poderia dizer…

Só mais uma coisinha... Vamos ser honestos quando vemos ou ouvimos algo que está errado...muitos cristãos têm a mania de nunca criticar o que vem de outro cristão ou da “Igreja”, pois “é para Deus”, “é com boas intenções”...sim, não vamos julgar as intenções de cada um, mas não é mal nenhum criticar (para construir), na medida em que é para identificar um erro (se existe) e mudar, se for preciso...(nisso o Ben é craque...muita gente se ofende com o que ele diz, mas para mim é um dom de honestidade...o que ele pensa, diz...não tá com falinhas mansas)...podemos até estar errados na nossa crítica, mas pelo menos damos espaço a diálogo, e não apenas a “engolir” tudo o que dizem ou fazem só porque é com boas intenções...

E acho que me alarguei... fico por aqui que já devem tar fartos de texto sem nem uma foto :-)

Tou aberta a críticas... e perdoem-me se ofendi alguém... como já disse , e volto a frisar, não é uma crítica a pessoas...


09 September 2009

LeArNiNg bY dOiNg - pArT 2

I just wanted to let you know how things are going with the roof...if you're interested...and I also wanted to answer, or maybe make a question to the anonymous person that made a comment on my last post...some other random thoughts came to my mind...
My question is : what if there is no supervisor available?!!! which is my situation at the moment...
I understand your concern...

and it would definitely be faster (if that is what you mean by "productivity") to build with another person who is more experienced...but hey, I'll hopefully finish today or tomorrow, so I don't think 1 and a half week is a lot for a roof... and I'm not only doing that, but also feeding the animals, watering the plants, shopping, visiting neighbours and bloging :-)...yes, cuz some hours of the day are just too hot...we still have around 30-35 degrees (celsius)...

I totally agree that we can learn with others... so, let me tell you the way I learned to learn since I'm a child :-)... I was a reeeealy shy and insecure girl, so I wouldn't dare to ask many questions about "why this or why that"...so, my way of learning stuff was listening and observing a lot... and then trying out on my own...these days have been reminding me of my great-grandfather who was a carpenter...I got to know him and I still remember his workshop in the back of the house...an old beautiful wooden house... unfortunately it was destroyed some years ago and now is a block of new buildings :-(...I would play with wooden scraps to make little houses (there were no computers on that time, eh, eh)... I used to make my toys out of wood ...eh, eh, I still remember a flipper "machine" I made with a wood board, nails, bottle coarks, clothes pegs and rubber..eh, eh, I must have been 10 or something...
I learned wood craft at school and built a little guitar (called "cavaquinho" in portuguese)...I must have been 10 or 11... so I learned some skills about wood... I observed a lot cuz I liked it... I also had professional carpenter here 3 years ago whom I observed a lot and learned a lot with... I'm studying now a book called "Building Green" cuz I'm planning to build a house I'm gonna live in...and I'm learning a lot of theory too...
So, all this to say that I do appreciate and value learning through other people with more skills... but I really learn by trying it out and doing it... specially craft stuff, you need to feel the material, hold the tools, get the feeling of it...
As for supervisors, if we do have one around, great... but also not everyone is a good supervisor... I remember a friend of mine who is very skilled in her craft, but so insecure because in her school the teachers were very demanding, not patient, and always shouting at her when she did something not quite perfectly right... so, between this kind of supervision, and no supervision, I rather be without any supervision...
It was really cool yesterday... as I was about to start with the tiles, a friend of mine who is actually a builder, came by and explained me the best way to start with the tiles :-)... it's nice to realise that when we do need a tip, someone comes your way :-)...

Speaking about Jesus again... as I said in the last post, he did give few tasks to his disciples while he was around them, but then he send them out in pairs to do what he was doing... with no supervisor...ok, they were empowered by the Holy Spirit, but they were alone, and I'm sure they made some mistakes... or sometimes they felt helpless, like the time they were trying to cast out a demon and Jesus had to go there... when they were alone again after that, Jesus started to teach them... "you know, we can only cast out some evil spirits through prayer and fasting"... So, Jesus allow them to have the experience and fail, and then he taught them... I'm sure they understood much better than if they had had a whole course on casting out demons before going out to do it... do you see what I mean ?!!!

It's ok to make mistakes... but we can learn a lot through them...
Do you wanna see what I've learned so far ? with other people's experience and my mistakes :-) ?

I should have cut the space for this pole after I put the other side...it's not easy to work with crooked wood...it's not a big deal, it's just not as pretty...but with the other side I was more careful...

much more "clean"...

I learned through books and other people that triangles improve significantly the strength of a structure...so, that's what I did

you feel it as soon as you put it... that's learning by doing...
Oh, and I put a metal triangle on the connection between the pole and the beam..

I still wanna put one between the beam and the stone wall... just to make sure...a roof carries a loooot of weight :-)

It was really hard to get the structure straight using crooked poles, but hey, that was what I had ... actually, that 's a good thing about not having money...we learn a lot about improvising with what we have :-) eh, eh...
anyway, so I end up with this gap, but nothing that it cannot be solved... a little piece of pointed wood nailed in the gap and that's it !!!
Oh well,. I was not so happy with the not so exact straightness, but so far it hasn't been a problem... and my friend who is a builder said it's looking pretty good ... maybe he was just being nice and encouraging, but I think it's not so bad... I'm actually really happy and encouraged with what I achieved so far...
And all this is a training as well, cuz this winter I'm gonna be into roofs... this one, the kitchen...

and at least the bath house too...
SO, this is a good training preparation... I guess it's also like that... in little steps... we take one step...we get more confident to take a bigger one... :-)

I hope you're not bored of all this conversation :-) ... eh, eh, eh... maybe I'm too excited about this roof :-)
if it would be just for that it would be worth it already :-)

06 September 2009

LeArNinG bY dOiNg...

Check out the Mount of Oaks blog and find out what I've been up to this week...
I love carpentry...notice my carpenter look on this picture...I even have a carpenter pencil behind my ear...pink :-), eh, eh...
I've not been only building, but it has been a very meditative work..."Learning by doing", that has been the subject ...

So, while I'm up building the roof, some interesting thoughts come to my mind...
It is amazing what we can learn by doing...
when we don't have the fear of trying...fear of failing...
when we don't have the fear of what others may think about our work (they may even think it's rubbish, specially "professionals", but I don't care)...
When we don't put our value in the result our work may have... (let us say my work end up being rubbish...that doesn't mean I am rubbish...even if others may point that)...

Fear is a very destructive thing actually...and we live in a society of fear these days... Isn't fear the opposite of Love...of hope... of faith... What shall we fear then ?!

when we appreciate the learning process more than the successful results (or unsuccessful) we may have...then we don't have to fear...and we know we'll not loose anything...we'll only gain..if nothing else, we'll gain experience...

All that and more made me think about Jesus (every little thing can make me think about Jesus :-) ...)...
I started to think about the way Jesus trained His disciples... he didn't set up a Bible school (don't misinterpret me, I'm not against it), actually they didn't even had a Bible...Jesus didn't set up a discipleship camp... All He did was choosing a bunch of guys who were not religious at all, called them to follow Him (even though he made clear that He had no place to lay his head)...and they walked together for a while...they must have learned a lot simply by observing...Then Jesus gave them little tasks (and the disciples were submissive), like feeding few thousands of people... Then he simply send them out to do the same they saw him doing...they didn't made written tests nor exams... they simply went...and you know what?!! They came back all excited with the things they learned... Often Jesus would do like that : sent them out so they could have their own experience, Then give them some teaching about it...
they would probably fail sometimes, or get frustrated, but Jesus was more concerned with the learning process in their own individual lives (things like self-initiative), then with the results in themselves...
In the end I bet the disciples learned much more in those 3 years (walking many kilometers by foot, not really knowing where they would sleep or what they would eat), then what we may learn with many books, courses, theories and lots of knowledge...

Studying is good ( I love it), but if we don't practice it in our lives, do we really learn ?! Having knowledge is different than learning... And wisdom comes by learning, not simply by knowing...

Does this all make any sense ?! well, for me it does, and I'm trying to put it into practice :-)... I'm learning this while making a roof, so, it's not only in "spiritual activities" that we learn spiritual things...actually I was having this conversation with a guy who came to visit these days... we fail when we start separating "spiritual" things from the "non-spiritual" ones... WE ARE SPIRITUAL, so everything we do is spiritual... whether I'm washing dishes or studying the Bible, I'm the same spiritual person... In fact, I notice most of the things in my character (good or bad) in small things like cleaning toilets, weeding the garden, cleaning other people's houses, feeding my animals, etc... maybe like Jesus washing his disciples feet... he was giving an example to follow, taking the least of works to serve others, and doing it with all his heart, filled with Love...
Many go to church meetings and get impressed with the preacher's sermon... this sunday at mass I was impressed with the lady who arranged the flowers everywhere in the building... I know her, and I know she does it for the Lord... not expecting any recognition, not charging for it, not wanting to be noticed... she's not a rich wealthy lady neither, but she gives with sacrifice, because she loves...

O.K, this is going a bit too far already :-)... Just wanted to share some random thoughts... You might have more about it :-)

Be peaceful :-)

30 August 2009

pRoJeCtS 4 ThE wiNtEr...

Go to the Mount of Oaks blog to see the possible projects for this next winter, and how you can get involved...

25 August 2009

pRaYeR wEeK iN pOvOa dE aTaLAia...

This post will be filled with pictures...as it's easier for me to remember all the things that happen these last weeks...
This picture is of the house we hosted the prayer room... such a perfect location...just next to the main church building and right where the sweet old ladies hang out on the hot summer days... yes, it has been hot...between 35 and 40 degrees (celsius)...Fiuuu!!!
Anyway, this house was generously provided by the priest of the parish, who unfortunately was going to leave the village on the last day of the prayer week :-(... but that's another story...I'll comment more about it towards the end of this post...

One week before I had a surprising and pleasant visit from our little brother Lukas and his brother Philip... It was so nice to be with him again...and he was very pleased to be back as well :-).. Here they were getting Nono ready to go up the mountain with them :-)

Here's lovely Anne, who came also before the prayer week and helped me to set up the room... she came to check the land for a possible place for her to live in...but she felt it was time for her to be On The Way and walk...so she did...here was the night before she headed on her journey... I believe a beautiful and strong one... I feel she'll be back...she really loved it here, and we had good conversations about living in community, and specifically about what I dream for this place...
Bless you Anne...May the Wind guide you, May The Provider shelter you and give you the food and drink you need to keep moving...The One who is The Way is with you :-)...

Uli and Stephi also came with the kids (not so much now), Melody and Elias... we all had great fun... and Uli, despite being on holidays, couldn't help but fix all our bikes...Bless you Uli...They also came with a caravan trailer that they left for Sieglinde (Miri's mom) , who will come to spend the winter here :-)...

Emma also came, just few days before and she helped me with the last details of the prayer room...well, to be honest, most of it !!!

Marcia came on Sunday... I missed her soooo much !!!
here we were chilling under Maria's cafe pergola vine...Hmmm, nice ones !!!!
My full time supporters in the kitchen... As last year, we had all our meals at the village Hall kitchen... what a blessing !!!
A creative moment at the prayer room ... It was a lovely week...not so much people... but because of that we had lots of time for listening each other's stories and pray for one another... It was definitely a week for listening !!!
We opened up theprayer room at 9pm on Sunday, the 9th... There were in the village some young people from a parish in Lisbon, whom we met last year... They really enjoyed the last prayer room, so I invited them to the opening of this one... we worshipped God with some of their portuguese songs, and we prayed together... they were quite emotional because the priest was leaving and they were really close to him... I felt sorry for them, but it was so beautiful to see such sincere love... it was nice to be with them again... Few days before they all went with the priest to have lunch with us in the land...
Listening to the old ladies who would hang out just outside was our way of serving for this year... what else do they need !!!
In return (not that we'd expect it), they would come with water melons and huge tomatoes from her gardens :-) How sweet is that !!!

But our garden would also supply us with some things...look at this beautiful harvest... and tasty as well !!! :-)

Edna came alone on thursday... Paulo and the babies, together with Ulli, Juran and Nuno (their fisherman friend from Olhao)... Edna needed some time alone and I believe she had great times in the prayer room...she spent 3 nights there...here in the picture, in the morning when we arrived for breakfast :-)...

At the fountain of the Village Hall...dipping our feet in water :-) Clara on top trying to stuck her foot on the hole :-)... this was saturday when Paulo and the rest arrived...

The sweeties !!! They do love water !!!

Oh yes, they do !!!

On that day also, some friends of Emma arrived, after hitch-hiking all the way from Bradford...well done !!! Here's Levina and Nina...Andrew was cut here...sorry about that Andrew... well, you cannot really see Nina too...I also don't have pictures of Ricardo, Clara's boyfriend... Great guy ...really lovely to meet him !!!

Juran showing off the gourgets from his garden... Nuno the fisherman in the back...what a lovely guy as well :-)simple...humble, always ready to serve ...

And the fun part is about to begin...
This was Sunday morning...well, I don't know if it was morning anymore... I had a lovely conversation with Juran and Ulli, together with Emma... Next time we'll see them will be at their wedding's celebration in Germany :-)... we were also speaking about Edna's Baptism that would be somehow, that sunday, before we closed up the prayer room... So, after our conversation, Edna came and said : " Would you cut my dreads?!!"... eh, eh, eh... With Edna things had to be different anyway... and special, of course... She wanted something symbolic to remember such a special day... And it was a nice start for a baptism !!!

Juran started...

Then me...

Emma's turn now !!!

The 3 of us at the same time !!! :-) I felt so privileged to be part of it !!!

Yep, it needs to be all gone !!! Look how happy and joyful she was !!!
And she looked beautiful... well, it's hard for Edna not to :-) she just shines !!!

Soon, a saloon was set up :-) Ulli needed her hair cut a bit...

I was next :-) ...why not take the chance :-)

After that we all went to the prayer shelter...we heard Edna and why she wanted to get baptized... there was nothing else to say really... we just worshiped for a while...
lots of crying and emotions in between... all good !!!

All up the hill then !!! to the pond :-) !!! Unfortunately I don't have pictures of that cuz I was in the pond with Edna... It was nice cuz Emma got this picture of Edna between me and Juran as she went on the water... and Edna said : " Yes, that's how I wanted as well"... So we went, despite the possibility of getting our feet filled with leeches... we didn't really know the "right things to say"...but anyway, she knew it in the heart what she was doing...and above all, God knew it... she declared before all of us, and before all the beings on earth, heaven and spiritual realm, that she belongs to Jesus, her Savior and friend :-)... It was very beautiful and of course, lots of laughter... me and Juran embraced her and we all jumped backwards into the water... after that, the rest joined the party :-) It was great !!!

After all the buz we went to the village to eat something and go to the mass...It would be the last one this priest would give :-(... everyone was sad with that, and Paulo (the priest) also... but he was obeying his bishop who thought he could be better studying in Rome... I admire Paulo's humility and submission a lot... Rome was the last place he would like to go, he told me, but I prefer to believe I'm obeying God... I'm very sad too, because he was a gem... not only preacher, but doer of Jesus' words... I will always remember one day when he was sitting on a door step with an old man at 1am in the night... I found out that he was counseling a father to get reconciled with his son... and they did reconciled... Anyway, just wanted to leave some words here, honoring this servant of God... even though it's hard for him to accept any compliment to himself... I thank God for Paulo, and I glorify The Creator for this beautiful person ...
here in the picture was the feast table that the people of Povoa de Atalaia prepared for Paulo... a simple way to tell him they love him... It was beautiful Paulo's words at the end of the mass as well... he was appreciating the people of this village and expressing his love... he acknowledge their lack of self-esteem, and encouraged all to never think that way... wow, we're all touched... Yes, these people are amazing !!!

Happy ending !!! We put on some reggae throughout the night, Paulo bought some beers, and we all had a nice time together in front of the church building...

Now, some random pictures of the prayer room...if you manage to get here :-)

"Nothing can separate us from your Love God"...NOTHING !!!

...and finally, some REST...not that the whole week was not restful, but it sure felt good to be alone with God and few close friends...
Me and Emma went to "Moses" to be with Vonny and Andrew... I love them so much...

I was looking forward to see how their work in the house was doing...basically, they are rebuilding an old ruined slate house... almost by themselves, only Joao, their neighbour is helping them and teaching them how to do it... AMAZING !!!

me and Emma engraving a message in their wall :-)... "blessing"

and "shantii" (me of course)...

Blessings of Peace at Moses...Amen !!!

Me and Emma went back to the land and Lucy came to visit... we had a short yet lovely time with her...
Nina, Andrew and Levina enjoyed a lot to stay at the land and look after it while we were away... when we came back they had prepared for us a lovely dinner...they left the following morning, hitch-hicking back to Bradford... I was really pleased to meet them all...

Now, me alone again... clearing up the prayer room, organizing few things here and there... washing dirty rags... checking up my e.mails and writing on my blog...
back to my solitude again :-) with God and all creation around me :-)