we finished one more successful permaculture course at the land... with 13 participants, most of them Portuguese (which made me really glad), few Germans, one Dutch and a "multicultural" one (eh, eh, hard to define, but basically he's born in Holand, lives in Portugal for more than 10 years and his parents are both from America)... that's Chris Uhler for those who know, he's part of the "house" already...and he was also the youngest of the participants... It was a pleasure to know all of them... and it was a pleasure to spend some time again with Lesley who is such a delight... Most of the people who came were new for me, so it was nice to get to know them... all such beautiful people...
Marcia also came from Lisbon to help me and Lyna in the kitchen, and as she said, it was so nice to spend this time with
like-minded people, even though all different and unique in our own ways... it was soooo nice to be with Marcia again... I miss her so much...