27 April 2006

pOrTuGaL pIctUrEs...


oNe mOrE fIrE pLaCe...

I was just replying to an e.mail of a friend, because she sent me this verse God has been speaking to her as well about rain, in Isaiah 45:8... And that led me to the verse in Hosea 10:12, when God actually shared this whole idea about mobilizing the Prayer Month with the prayer rooms (funny enough, exactly here at this church where I am now ,but last year)...
As I was reading again Hosea, it stroked me again...This is exactly what this is all about...Preparing the fields and waiting for the rain...
It speaks about preparing the fields to sow justice, and it promise to harvest Love (what beautiful poetic picture)...
THEN God will send the rain !!!

This reminds me of Angola...in the south where my parents live it's pretty dry and almost desert...As I was driving with my father one day, I notice that people were preparing the fields, but there was no sign of rain at all... They were not even sure if rain would come...and those fields are in a place where there's no potable water nearby (only salty, not good to plant)...only rich people can water their plants because they can bring water from the city and store it in huge tanks... so I asked my father what were they doing, and he told me they were just preparing the fields, waiting for the rain to come... But it was not even the rain season...I just thought they could only be doing that totally by faith !!!
Wow what a lesson!!!... And this is all about that... We are to prepare the dry fields, where no one expects rain to come...people might even think we are crazy... We might even think the same of ourselves...we can even start thinking that it will not be worth it...(speaking about myself now)
Wow, thank you Jesus for reminding me of that... Thank you for Your word and Your promises which never fail...

mOrE tHeN 40cm nOw...

24 April 2006

2 mOrE dAyS gRoWiNg...

Look at them... just two more days and they reached 26 cm already !!! Wow...What a speed !!!
God keeps speaking to me and encouraging me with this...
Two days ago as I was watching the rain outside I felt God saying “Yes, I am sending the rain, and yes, all the seeds that have been planted in this land for years will sprout and flourish”... Just like my flowers are growing now :-)
When the time comes, the time comes :-)

22 April 2006

aMazInG cReAtiOn !!!

I was given some flower bulbs (I hope that's the word) to plant when I was in UK, by a lovely friend Hanna, and I only put them on the ground maybe a bit more then 3 weeks ago...I 've been observing them and I'm amazed with the speed of its growth...
In less then 2 weeks after I plant them, the little sprouts were already coming out of the ground... I was amazed and really excited !!!
God even spoke to me about Faith and Hope... to expect what is not yet seen... specially this time, during this National Prayer Campaign when I'm not really feeling or seeing the results I was expecting...well, I was not expecting to cover the whole month with 24h prayer already (sorry God for my lack of faith :-/ )... but I was at least expecting more excitement and feed back from the ones with whom I shared with... I've been feeling that this year is just a seed we're planting !!!
And there's something that amazes me about seeds... they have the full potential in it to become all that they were created to be... Amazing !!! Just like God created us, with a lot of potential and ways to be, but not always we live out that full potential...
when I looked at these flower seeds, I was just seeing 3 little onions (that's how they looked like)... But those were just the seeds, I couldn't see like God was seeing them... a whole field covered with beautiful flowers :-)

Well, I'm drifting now :-) ...but going back to my flowers...Two nights ago I decided to take a picture to send to Hanna and I measured how much they grew in one week... 12 cm, wow !!!

And even more amazing, next morning I went to see them and they were taller already... 15 cm ...
from night to day !!!
Today I just measured again, they are with 18 cm now...

How amazing is that !!!
So, I hope you are as excited as me, 'coz I'm gonna keep you updated on that :-) (sorry if you don't get excited with this things!!!)
And the best is that I don't even know how they will look like... Hanna just told they were "sword lilies", but I have no idea how will that look like as well :-) ... I like the name though !!!
Ok, Enjoy life... enjoy God's wonderful creation and worship Him, The Artist of Artists !!!

20 April 2006

oN liNe biBlE sChOoL...

For long time I wanted to go deep into the Scriptures, but never found any good way or opportunity... I was never attracted to Bible Schools as well, so now I found the perfect way... On Line :-)
no matter where I will be now I can always download my classes and study :-)
It will be fun...and hopefully it will take me into a deeper level in my personal relationship with Jesus !!!
I made already the first introductory teaching and I really enjoyed the way Paul Vieira teaches. Check his blog as well
I just met him recently through e.mail...he happen to hear about the National Prayer Campaign and liked the idea... last week he just sent me an invitation to try out the On Line Discipleship School... it came right on time !!!
(Or just press on the title of this post :-) )



17 April 2006

oN tHiS rOcK...

Yah, my house has been packed :-) but I'm missing it already !!!
I had some wonderful days with some of those who I was with at the Rainbow gathering last year... It was amazing to be together again... we didn't really plan it, but they happen to be here on the same time... It reminded me of how God set it all up last year for the rainbow...
It's so nice when we feel we're in God's hands and He's the one blowing The Wind :-)

I have a word these days in my mind that always comes up again and again...
When Jesus asked Peter who He was, Peter straight away answered Jesus was the Messiah, The Son of God... Jesus was glad coz it was no men who revealed that to Peter, but was God Himself... then Jesus went on saying that on that rock (And I don't see this rock as being Peter, but as the statement he just declared ), HE WOULD BUILD HIS CHURCH... it would not be our human effort... HE builds His church !!!
I totally believe Jesus is building up His church, He's gathering all those who promptly declare He is the Messiah, The Son of God... and nothing evil will overpower us ...
I 've been wondering so much about what church is all about and I'm getting to the simplest conclusion that when two or more gather in Jesus name, He is there, and He is the one who gathers those 2 or 3 who come together declaring He is the Messiah, The Son of God...
It's all about HIM ... We just need to be aware of The Wind... and follow It...

It was so amazing how God showed up this days... prayer and worship would simply flow ... in my flat, in parks,
at the beach,
in the van while we traveled or when we were parked,
in the morning or late in the night, in the middle of the streets of Lisbon,
in the middle of a forest track
, on purpose or by "mistake" ...
We shared dreams together, we prayed for one another, we encouraged one another, we laughed and cried with one another...
And we're simply a group of wanderers and pilgrims...coming from different parts of Germany, from Ireland, from Austria... and here we gather, in the end of Europe... or the beginning, depending on your perspective :-)
wow, I'm really thankful for these days !!! and for this amazing friends !!!

07 April 2006

RuA dA pAz...

Ok, I was just importing some pictures from my camera and just thought about sharing with you guys a bit of my life here at Rua da Paz in Lisbon...
It has been a real blessing to be able to host so many people...some have stayed with a room for themselves, but most of them have been packed in my living room :-)
I feel really blessed to have this privilege to offer others a shelter, when I'm most of the times the one who needs one when I'm travelling arround :-)
So, here goes...I think it doesn't need subtitles :-)