05 October 2006

gOiNg wItH eMmA tO tEl aViV...

here I am typing my last experiences in Palestine/Israel...
sorry for not writing often and usually writing too long... I hope many of you didn't get tired of reading my blog:-)... maybe that's why I'm getting less and less coments :-)...
Well, I hope you enjoyed sharing this trip with me :-)... I enjoyed sharing it with you !!!

The Convoy had left, Judith and Emma were leaving as well...I went with Emma to Tel Aviv and had a wonderful night at a really nice place…a “rainbow”/Indian restaurant called “ “something” Milega” (I forgot the first name, sorry)… we spent the night chatting with different friends of Emma who wanted to see her before she went back to Ireland… it was hard for her to leave as her heart is so much in this part of the world ☺…
It was a real blessing for me to spend all this time with Emma here… One more real sister for me...This trip would be totally different without her… I wouldn’t meet most of the people I met, and I wouldn’t go most of the places I went… And I really appreciated getting to know her better, share stuff with her, listening to her and praying many times for one another and other things…And I learned a lot just by observing the way she relates to people, the way she gives of herself, the way she prays and feels compassions for others…God showed me a lot of His heart through her…Thanks Emma !!!☺…

Now I was the only one left from the group that came almost 8 weeks ago... As I was walking in the streets of Tel Aviv the rain started to fall... the first time during all the trip... a sign that a New season was about to begin...

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