wow, more and more people start to arrive... Anne and Jonathan from Germany are on their way now, and also Lucy and another one I forgot the name now, they come from UK...Emma is also somewhere around Barcelone and will get here hopefully soon...Lyna and Cami already arrived from France and we already had a fun night yesterday around the fire together with Judith and Simone, and of course Anne who's still here till September...
It's so nice to have "da famaly" back together...most of these I already have a deep connection for previous trips and gatherings for the past 2 years...
But anyway, I just want to let everyone now about the directions to come to the land, coz it's getting almost impossible to walk back and forth to the train station to get people :-)
So, for all those who will be coming in the future, keep this post in your favourits :-)
If you come BY TRAIN, you have to leave in CASTELO NOVO, this is between "Castelo Branco" and "Fundao" or "Covilha"...
coming out of the train you go to your right and start will cross the car road and you should keep walking beside the rail track on the right side...soon you'll see a sign hanged on a tree saying "Mount of Oaks" (red letters on a black flat stone)... you keep walking...after maybe 10 minutes you will see another sign on your right, both in portuguese and english, turn there...
a bit ahead you will find another sign next to some stone houses for you to keep going on the'll be almost there, but you still have maybe 10 minutes to the next sign...this will point to your right and right after you will see another one pointing go through some tiny pine forest till you get to a will see the signs pointing right, but you have to cross the have to lift one of the ends and please, live it closed the way it was...
so, then you just need to follow the fence till you get to the land, you will see from afar the water barels that stand on a little tower, and once you see our big pond go down to the house to your left...
Easy, ne ?!!!
If you come by CAR, you have to get the high way A23, between "Guarda" and "Entroncamento", and you leave on the exit "CASTELO NOVO" (but you don't go to Castelo Novo, we are on the oposite side), follow the directions to "ALPEDRINHA" and you will eventually turn left, entering on a national road, the N18, towards "Alpedrinha"... you don't drive much there, and you will see a sign next to an old house with "MONT OF OAKS" and "MONTE DOS CARVALHOS" (we'll put that one soon)...
you will enter a country side dirt road full of wholes :-) and you keep going... you'll pass the rail tracks, PLEASE DO STOP AND LOOK, and you keep going...then you will find different signs on your way , but if you have doubts the turns are always to your right... The last turn is almost a "turning back", so , be aware so you don't miss it :-)... then you'll go down hill and up hill (to the left side), and you're in the land already...
O.k, I hope now it's clear :)
If you get lost, don't stress out, maybe it's part of your might meet someone on the road, maybe on a donkey cart, who will lead you on the way :-)
here Whitney and Anne, who helped me to make and put up some signs:-) Thank you girls :-)
And we're also making some signs on the land :-) Just in case you are in an emergency and you're ashamed to ask where you can shit :-) eh, eh...
Vamos hoje!!!!!
Até logo ;-)
Why not a map, to simplifie the mount of oaks localization? Trought the google Earth it's easy to get a map.
Google earth doesn't have good pictures of this least when I checked it...
and also I would prefer that only the patient and adventurous would come... those would be ok with the, eh...even when they might get lost ...
But thanks for the tip anyway...and you're welcome anytime ...
i miss you! i wish i could come spend a month with you...right now.
love you A LOT!
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