I posted last time about the groaning of creation... which actually developed a loooong chat... I actually spoke about things to come...things I hope and long for ... and God not only shows us the groans of creation, but He also presents us glimpses of the redemption that is to come...what we all long and hope for...what creation itself also longs for...
...I'll just post the pictures and add some comments to it... well, I guess words were not even needed..
this first one is Violeta with Sambo...aren't they sweet !!!
"The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together;
and a little child will lead them.
The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox."
Isaiah 11:6,7
Isn't that a beautiful picture !!! That's what awaits us !!!
O.K, a cat and a dog is not exactly the same as a lion and a calf... but still ... :-)
Sambo, Pula and Duma...they love washing each other...so funny !!!
these are olives in one of the trees we picked these days...more on that on next post...
this is an amazing leaf I found...aren't those colours amazing ?!!
And these are our flowers blooming in splendour on the verge of winter time !!! Go figure !!!
despite all the wrong things we see around...God is still the Creator... Marvellous and Splendorous!!! the One who makes things that are not as if they were already...And He can still surprise us every single day ... in big things... or in small details... look around you !!!
I leave you with a thought to meditate on... a sign I saw in Castelo Branco... a quote by Gandhi...
“You can tell the greatness of a nation by how they treat their animals."
Interesting !!!
things do not come
it is not some point in time
in the future, in heaven
it is here and now
"For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revelation of the sons of God".
Romans 8:19
Right NOW, not after we are dead, flying around in heaven, playing harps far above a dying earth;
The time is now
Redemption is Now
hey hey, not going into long chat this time...lol
Love the tension and glimpses we are given and live in, drops of hope from Heaven.
i look forward to sunbathing in a pride of lions!!
HI Ton...
I agree with you...if you read 2 posts below this one that's what I mean by the glimpses God shows us of His redemption NOW...
So maybe I would add to what I wrote:
"we all need redemption... we all need forgiveness...we all need to get back to the original creation...
we all need to be liberated from our bondages to decay...
We all need to be brought into the FREEDOM and GLORY Jesus came to promise us as children of God...
also Rom 8:24,25, further down speaks about the hope we're leaving on NOW, relating to the verse you quoted before...
" For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."
I'm not a fatalistic Christian that thinks "who cares about this world, heaven is what awaits us"...
what I believe is yes, we do live in hope of what we don't see yet, we live in faith...
and I do believe the "kingdom of God is within us"... it's HERE and NOW...but it's also TO COME...
I guess I'd sing along with Bono (not that my voice is great), " but I still haven't found what I'm looking for"...
And I'm sure you're confronted with that in India much more than me ...
there are still so many who are not revealed as sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven...so many who are still waiting for redemption to come...
there are still so many injustices, sicknesses, tears, suffering, and all sorts of sin...
I also pray to the Father "let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."
and I'll still pray , hope and try to work for that till I find more of what I'm looking for...heaven on earth...
That's why I marvelled with these little glimpses...
I myself never experienced much of heaven...I have glimpses that God in His grace allows me to experience...but I know there's soooooo much more than this...
I only experienced once a bit of what Heaven might be...a little tiny bit of God's glorious presence...and it was better than any "trip" I ever took in my past...it was too pure to be true to my human limited mind...it was too beautiful to try to describe it...I still don't know is it lasted seconds, minutes or hours...but after it I could only smile and love everything and I couldn't even sleep for 3 days of so much ecstasy...
I don't know why God only allowed me to experience that once... I wish I could be like that all the time...but maybe for me not to "fly around in heaven, playing harps far above a dying earth" :-)
maybe because this time is for hope and faith...to hope for the things that are not yet...and to pray and work for those things to come to existence...for ALL...
wow, here am I divagating again on this comments...
sorry... but thank you for making me think and meditate about all that... I'd appreciate more comments if you have ... I love sharing thoughts...
I'd love to hear more of your experiences of heaven here on earth... I sense you might have lots of what you've seen and experience God doing in Delhi...
thanks again for clearing my thoughts...
Shantii Shantii
Yes Barbarababa,
I know you understand, soon we will sit around the campfire and share.... laugh.
My comment was meant more to arouse some discussions/dialogue among the regular "commenters".
my brothers, sisters, step out of the boat/box/career and walk on water.
peace love
walking on water was a thing that happened once (as far as we know)...walking with Jesus on land is much more ordinary and happened much more often...how much of God does we miss in longing for the extradordinary when we refuse to see him in the everyday aspects of life that God spends his time in trying to get our attention? God used to talk to me loads when i was doing the washing up? not to devalue the heavenly experiences, i have had these and love them everytime...we have, are and will be made whole.
much love to the commenting massive
oh steve, you know it so well, though I think you missunderstand me when I say "walk on water".
I mean to say get out of your little box of perception and action....., yes you, all of us.
Thats the nice thing about blogging, to write in freedom about stuff the way we perceive it, without having biblical corrections thrown at us each time somebody thinks you divert, each time somebody wants to write out of the box or just sits happily naked in front of a fire.
We all have our own perception of things, this freedom we have, its all about "Who do you say "I" am",
yes and then Peter said......
But who do you say He is, how do we experience God? I guess I experience God on a diffferent way then you do.
Personal Blogs can give a voice to this diversity.
We respond then like: "How interesting, what a novel view this is, tell me more".
Allow each one to be open, be him/her self, the true self.
As for Jesus walking on the water....
if he did or not (I think it just a symbolic story) I don't need a miracle Jesus, he is awesome enough without the miracles.
Uhh, sunbathing in a pride of lions?
I can just visualize that!
See you there then.
Peace love and freedom
(maybe you should browse through my blog, you will find out then that I see God in the little things)
I love this comment stuff and the freedom we can all have in it :-)
isn´t that great?!!!
It's like having a conversation here in Portugal with "alentejanos"....o,k. you won't get the joke coz you don't know Alentejanos, but they are some cool people from the south who do things veeeeeeeery slowly (mainly coz it's too hot there)...so, a conversation between them can be like this...waiting some days for the reply of the other :-), eh, eh, eh...
I love it anyway...it leads me to some cool thoughts...
and it's cool to learn with one another's perspectives...
anyway...words can be so tricky as well, coz we miss the expression of each other's faces, emotions and other signs that might lead us to understand what the person really means...and interpretations of words, specially when we don't really know the author of them, can come from own own mind or perspective and not what the other really meant...
o.k, I'll stop here, other wise I'll divagate again...
Love , PEACE and JOY...
The long times between comments are great! time to think, dwell, ponder, its getting back to writing letters by hand, and waiting ages for a reply.(good thought Baba) And Its true without a face to look at you can mis-quote the meaning, tis the downside to cyber-life. :o)
As for lions and the sunshine..
i'll see you there Ton !
actually, you guys might meet here at the mount of oaks, as you both plan to come in January :-)...
well, I don't know about lions so far, but we often have sunshine :-)
PEACE and LOVE to both
Hey Baba,
many thanks for that post on the hope for resurrection. I was really (positively) surprised that you wrote it that way, finding hope for resurrection in the current state of _nature_.
As, personally I've lost nature nearly totally out of sight, and you reminded me that I need to get rid of all that computer stuff for some time and find my own way back to nature ... .
WOW! I can't believe how much the kittens have grown!! And Pula looks completely different!
Those are beautiful flowers! God is good =)
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