Man...I've been trying to finish this post for 3 days...uploading pictures can take so long sometimes...
we're almost done with the olives... besides the ones who came for my birthday, it was mainly me and Jared who picked all the olives which took us almost 2 weeks, and now we're just separating some to make conserves...
due to the flies who made some damage not many are perfect for conserves, but most of them are good for olive oil :-)...
we had much fun picking the olives from the trees... and so much work as well, but I particularly like it a lot !!!
even the kittens would join us :-)
they must have think we wanted to play "cats" or something :-) ...
Jared would climb on the trees and I would go with the ladder to the most difficult ones to reach...
now Jared knows why he trained so much when he was a kid :-) and he can tell his grandmother who would often freak out about it that there was a reason for him to climb trees :-)
This was on my Birth day, all guests helped to sort some good olives for conserves :-)
That's our harvest...all these basins... and the fridge in the back is full as well :-)...we have 2 qualities of olives, the black ones and the big green ones...
This is what we're doing now... separating some good ones for conserving... this day was soo cold that we made it next to the bonfire :-) eh, eh...
we're also listening the podcast book of Tom Sawyer, by Mark's very cool !!!
And our Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn (the dogs) also joined us to listen :-)
latter on our neighbour Adelina who was also picking olives, brought us some nice sardines for our lunch... perfect !!!
little delights of the country side... :-)
Hay Baba
I miss you,Jered, and all the cute little kittens so much. I can't wait till I'm aball to come and see you all agian
Give my love to every one
On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine: the best of meats and the finest of wines.
Isaiah 25:6
I like that !!! :-)
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